Thursday, November 10, 2016

Modern Romance

So, I was expecting this book to just be Aziz Ansari's funny take on dating in the age of Tinder and texting. What I didn't realize was that he was working with sociologists and cultural anthropologists and doing an actual (sort of) scholarly study. And it's still hilarious.

If you are at all familiar with Ansari's work - I believe he is required to be a roaster on all roasts on Comedy Central - you'll recognize his voice in the book immediately. He's quirky and dry and and a little nerdy. Here's one of my favorite lines from the book: "We want a lifelong wingman/wingwoman who completes us and can handle the truth, to mix metaphors from three different Tom Cruise movies." And that's not even the funniest bit.

Anyway, Aziz and many experts conducted focus group around the world (including Tokyo and Buenos Aires), and set up a subreddit, to learn about people's experiences and feelings regarding the world of dating. Besides being funny it is SUPER interesting, and a must read for anyone currently maneuvering their way through it.

Modern Romance