Saturday, October 22, 2011

You Had me at Woof: How Dogs Taught me the Secrets of Happiness

This is a really sweet memoir by Julie Klam, a Manhattanite who loves Boston Terriers. Over the course of the book she owns (and rescues/fosters) a number of Bostons, notably Otto, Beatrice, Moses, and Dahlia. If you are a dog lover this is really a must read.

I am a dog lover who has never owned a dog - most apartments don't allow them, so it's just never been a question - but I love other people's dogs, and one of the things I love most about Arlington is that it's a very doggy community. If I could have a dog I would have a French Bulldog or a Boston Terrier. Anyway, New York is different from Arlington, because apparently a lot of apartment dwellers in NYC have dogs - and Klam actually had FOUR in her apartment at one time, two of whom were puppies. She's a very good writer with a great sense of humor (I think that's a requirement for BT owners) and I really enjoyed her stories about life with her dogs. There are some sad moments, but there are far outnumbered by the by the funny stories.

I admit to crying twice, but I laughed twenty times, and that's a pretty good ratio in my opinion. I highly recommend this book even if you aren't a dog lover, just because it's a story that I think we can all relate to.

You Had Me at Woof

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