Thursday, January 29, 2015

How the Scots Invented the Modern World

First, I have to say a big thank you to my friend Shari for giving me this book in our gift swap at the holidays. It was great! I have really been into Scottish culture while reading the Outlander series, so it was interesting to see what aspects of those novels were based on historical fact, and which were pure fiction. But it was also really interesting to read about how much of our modern world can be traced directly back to a Scotsman, or to something of the Scottish culture.

For instance, did you know that 18th century Scotland was the most literate society in the world? Yep, they had something like a 75% literacy rate, which some countries don't even have now. And did you know that most of our Ivy League universities come from the Scottish model of higher education? And of course there are a few interesting guys like David Hume, Adam Smith, and Sir Walter Scott... among many, many others.The book debunks a few "facts" as well, including one about Highlanders and their plaids (no, not that one).

If you're of Scottish descent - or just enjoy reading about Scottish culture - you will really enjoy this book. It's scholarly without being too heavy. And here is my favorite quote from the book, the one that sort of sums it all up:
The Scots did not invent technology, anymore than they invented science - or capitalism or the ideas of progress and liberty. But just as in these other cases, the version of technology we live with most closely resembles the one that Scots ... organized and perfected." (p. 321)
Isn't that cool?

How the Scots Invented the Modern World

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